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  • Now Accepting Applications for 2024-2025!
  • Many of our CCA families are local business owners! So we've decided to create a directory specifically for CCA families that includes businesses owned and services provided by CCA families. 

    Simply fill out the form online by clicking the link below. The deadline to register is Friday, February 16.

    Apply Here

  • First Chapel of the Month

    Parents, mark your calendars! You're invited to join your student to worship during every first chapel of the month. Simply stop by the front office on your way in and get a guest pass before you attend.

    Secondary (Grades 7-12):  Wednesdays  |  9:30 AM  |  Gym

    Elementary (Pre-K–Grade 6):  Thursdays  |  8:05 AM  |  Gym

  • Special Snack Day: April 16

    For all grades! Snacks are $0.50 each and include items such as cookies, brownies, pretzels, pickles, fruit, and more. (Please limit student purchases to no more than $2.) Sponsored by our PTO.

  • Dress Down Day: March 27

    Students can bring $2 to participate. Wear a school-appropriate shirt with jeans or uniform bottoms. Proceeds support our Junior Class.

  • Junior Class Fundraiser

    Ice cream sandwiches will be sold on Fridays during lunch for $1 to support our Junior Class.

  • Kroger Community Rewards

    Did you know that Kroger will donate a percentage of your purchases back to our school? Follow the steps below to sign up:

    1. Visit Kroger on your computer or open the Kroger App.
    2. Create an account or sign in.
    3. Click on “My Account," then “Community Rewards.”
    4. Under “Find Your Organization," type “Columbus Christian Academy” (located in Steens, MS).

    That's it! You're all signed up.